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Sweat Lodge Dates



  • 28th January

    • Imbolc - Lynn Gosney​


  • 18th March 

    • Ostara - Lynn Gosney


  • 29th April

    • Beltane - Lynn Gosney


  • 17th June

    • Coamhain - Lynn Gosney


  • 29th July

    • Lugnasadh - Lynn Gosney


  • 16th September

    • Herfest - Lynn Gosney


  • 28th October 

    • Samhain - Lynn Gosney


  • 16th December 

    • Yule - Lynn Gosney​




  • 27th January

    • Imbolc - Lynn Gosney​


  • 16th March 

    • Spring Equinox - Lynn Gosney​​


  • 27th April

    • Beltane - Lynn Gosney


  • 15th June

    • Summer Solstice - Lynn Gosney​


  • 27th July

    • Lammas - Lynn Gosney


  • 14th September 

    • Autumn Equinox - Lynn Gosney


  • 26th October 

    • Samhain - Lynn Gosney​​​​​​


  • 14th December

    • Yule Winter Solstice- Lynn Gosney




  • 1st February

    • Imbolc - Lynn Gosney​


  • 15th March 

    • Spring Equinox - Lynn Gosney​​


  • 26th April

    • Beltane - Lynn Gosney


  • 14th June

    • Summer Solstice - Lynn Gosney​


  • 26th July

    • Lammas - Lynn Gosney


  • 13th September 

    • Autumn Equinox - Lynn Gosney


  • 25th October 

    • Samhain - Lynn Gosney​​​​​​


  • 13th December

    • Yule Winter Solstice- Lynn Gosney


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