Drum Birthing

All drums and rattles are made in a mindful way, and within ceremony.

We offer beautiful drums and rattles for purchase, and we offer group drum making workshops. These days are run here at our centre and are limited  to three people at a time, so you can get the most from your experience. Our drums are made in the traditional way using lacing cut from the same hide, thus keeping the spirit of the animal within the drum.

We will show you the full art of drum making, from cutting both the hide and lacing; to the art of lacing and tightening your drum. It is your energy, your work, and your love that is going into your drum. You can create 16 inch or 18 inch hoop drum, with a choice of Horse, Stag or Deer hides.

A Drum of Your Own


A drum will find you when you are ready, and believe me when I tell you they are very addictive. It will be the sound that calls to you, the first time you hear its beat you will know that it resonates with you at your frequency then you will find you have drums for different purposes. One will be your healing drum, one your journey drum, one that you play for fun and dance to and so on and so on. 

Your own drum is very special and will, with the right intent work with you as you journey the Shamanic path. Treat it with respect, they are not just for hanging on the wall to make the lounge look good, or as I have seen, large drums being used as a coffee table.

They are a living Spirit and need to be held in that place of respect and honour.

Drums can be bought in a lot of places. I would suggest that you know the source, know the drum maker, or better still make your own.

I am happy to recommend my dear friend Patrick Pinson, and you can see his drums on the link page of my web site.

Making your own drum is a truly rewarding experience and I would say to you to go ahead, be brave and go for it.

I can tell you now that the drum you make and put your love, intent and purpose in will be a very special drum indeed.

Go, have fun, and meet the horse that will carry you far, to help not only others but you yourself.

Accredited Drum Birthing Teachers Course

Taking only a small group of four, we will cover all you need to know to teach this amazing craft. The course will be held over two weekends, starting at 1pm Friday each weekend and finishing on the Sunday evening at no fixed time due to the nature of the course.
Covering the practicalities of drum birthing, ceremony and holding space through to thinking on your feet in the moment when things go wrong. We will help build your confidence ahead of anything that may happen as well as covering the behind-the-scenes practicalities such as finding reputable suppliers.
Throughout the weekends there will be practical and written tests to help you demonstrate what you have learnt.
By the end of the course, you will have birthed four drums – a 10” Deer, 12” Horse, 14” Horse and a 16” Deer – all on Ash hoops, along with a beater which will be yours to take home.
Upon completing the course, participants will receive an accredited certificate where full attendance and competence has been reached.
We ask that you have birthed at least two drums, one with us at Caer Corhrain, and at least another with ourselves or another drum maker or by yourself. This is to ensure you have a basic knowledge of how to birth a drum.
You know and have experience of shamanic journeying, as this is an important aspect of the drum birthing process. If you don’t have this experience then there may be an opportunity to learn it with us prior to doing the course.

Meet Your Teachers

Lynn Gosney
It was over 25 years ago that I made my first drum, and it was a truly beautiful craft – one that is in the heart and cannot be found in any book. I’m eager to share what I have learnt along the way.

Originally Hind Hart drums was created in 2003 and ran till 2011, when with Jonathan Weekes we setup Heron Drums. After deciding I wanted to take the drum birthing workshops on a smaller scale again, I decided to put CC into our drums and be known as Caer Corhrain Drums.

During the summer of 2023 I was asked if I would run a teacher training course in Drum Birthing. We then successfully completed the first course in January 2024 which I hope was the first of many courses to come. I’m looking forward to sharing all that I have learnt over the years.

Wendy Ruddick
I birthed my first drum in 2016 and absolutely loved it and have birthed many more since under the guidance of Lynn. I support drum birthing workshops at Caer Corhrain and am now holding my own under the name Wild Heart Drum.

The following people have completed and passed the Drum Teacher Training Course held at Caer Corhrain.

Class of 2024

Luke Elliot Harvey

Daren Palmer

Chris Allen

Crystyl Potter

Class of 2025

James Mead

Heidi Uden

Stephanie Thornton