Celtic Sweatlodge
Sacred Womb of Rebirth
Lynn Gosney, 2010
What is a sweatlodge?
Sweatlodge’s are a profound, deep and healing experience. Lynn Gosney pours lodge at Caer Corhrain, our beautiful Centre on the Isle of Sheppey. The lodge stands on the marshland overlooking the open fields. It is a place of peace and tranquility, steeped in the mystery of the land.
The Sweatlodge represents the gestating void, the womb, the earth belly of the mother. We enter with respect, honour and trust. We attune to the seasonal energies throughout the day. We devote the whole day to the Sweatlodge experience. From the covering of the frame and selecting the sacred rocks; then preparing and lighting of the fire. The rocks are heated in the fire so that their ancient wisdom and healing can be released. We create old crafts that attune us to the festival we are celebrating.
We will guide you gently through this beautiful ceremony. Having facilitated many lodges over the years, she will lead you through this most healing and beautiful ceremony with love, respect and intent.

Completed four years learning in way of Lodge and Fire Keeping
Joanne Tucker – Sean Ryan – Suzanne Livingstone – Simon Prendergast – Pete Maxey – Wendy Ruddick – John Thompson
Presently learning the way of Lodge and Fire Keeping.
Daren Palmer – Luke Elliot Harvey – Natasha Quinn – Fany Bah
Lodge is a suggested £30 CASH donation on the day, to cover overheads and wood. Bookings for a lodge do not open until the day after the previous lodge.
Please honour your commitment to attend and honour your space. We normally only take a total of fourteen in our lodge.
Please note, as this is a very powerful and sacred ceremony, places are very precious. Last minute cancellations and non-arrivals deprive others of a place and so any cancellations will need to be as much notice as possible.
Please leave any valuables at home and we do not allow the use of mobile phones and once past our gate they, along with cameras, are not welcome.
We do not take couples into Lodge
Important Information
- Our lodges are not naked.
- You will need cotton shorts, cotton lungie or cotton sarong to wear in the lodge NOT Swimwear.
- A towel, and second towel is handy should you want to sit on one in lodge.
- We will guide you gently through this beautiful healing ceremony with love, respect and integrity. This wonderful experience takes place at Caer Corhrain from 11:30am until the evening. As it is a full day, please make sure that you have no other commitments, allowing yourself to be dedicated to the entire day, freeing you to experience its healing power in full.
- It is important that you arrive at 11:30am in order to help in the preparation of getting the lodge set up and covered. Water needs to be carried, there are the rocks to get ready, wood to move, and it is very important for you to work alongside the others who will be lodging with you. You all start to bond together, working as a group of strangers that will become friends, and part of the community, by the close of day.
- If you arrive after the lighting of the fire you will not be able to lodge. It is important that you select and place your prayers and intent into the sacred rock before it goes into the fire.
- We do not advise driving too far after a sweatlodge.
We can provide space to stay the night in limited accommodation. If you wish to stay, please contact for further information and confirmation if you wish to book. If you would like to stay we suggest a donation of £5 per person per night. Alternatively we can suggest some good local B&Bs
- When you arrive, you may be asked to park by the barn on the day, so a torch would be handy for walking back to your car. It’s not far, just dark after lodge.
- No mobile phones are allowed within the paddock area, but they can be used outside the main gate.
- Only firekeepers are permitted to smoke within the paddock area – please smoke outside, away from the main gate. If you do smoke, please bring a pot to discard butts.
- We ask that you stay here from the start of the lodge ceremony right to the very end. We share food together after the lodge, and again, this is a very important part of the ceremony and special part of the community gathering.
- It is a good idea to refrain from alcohol for at least 24 hours before lodge; and we do not permit any drugs at Caer Corhrain.
- We request that you come back the next day and assist with the taking down of the lodge, as it is important to be part of the completion of the ceremony as a whole. There is limited room to stay over, so please ask well in advance. There are some good bed and breakfasts in the area.
- As adults we are all responsible for our personal safety and awareness, but please ensure that you make Lynn aware of any medical conditions when you book your lodge space and find out from your GP if it is advisable to lodge with this condition.
Within Lodge
- Be respectful and mindful of others space at all times.
- Do not disturb or disrupt the ceremony by needless chatting.
- We ask that you do not attend bathed in perfume or aftershave as this could be off putting to anyone who sits beside you in lodge.
- If you wear contact lenses bring your pot and solution to put them in, as it is not recommended you wear them in lodge. Hearing aids may be damaged by heat and steam.
The Fire
- We request that you honour the sacredness of the ceremony and do not take photographs of the fire or the lodge.
- Please also honour the sacredness of the fire. Nothing is to be placed on the fire, or the fire touched, without the approval of the lead fire keeper that day. This is such an important and integral part of the lodge experience – a lot of ceremony and love is placed into the fire, as well as the practical nurturing of the fire. Please always have the courtesy and mindfulness to ask first, and do not be offended if the answer is ‘no’.
- Please bring your own lunch and drinking water.
- Bring a vegetarian dish to share together after lodge.
- PLEASE minimise the use of plastic especially bottles and any plastic packaging you bring please take it home with you. We have very limited recycling space; we ask you take all your rubbish home with you.