Women of the House of Heron (February 2025)

Caer Corhrain

Women of the House of Heron calls to women to explore the essence of their true beauty and creative spirit, to honour the sacredness of all aspects of woman. Celebrate your life, love and journey as we weave our tapestry. Held and nurtured by this sacred marshland, bathed in the inspiration of the heron’s flight, sharing and healing within our circle of sisterhood.

Men of Heron Shamanic Drum Circle (February 2025)

Caer Corhrain

Join us as we gather in the Roundhouse for an evening of drumming sharing and connection, hearing the call of the drum the warmth of the fire honouring our ancestors taking time out for you allowing us as men to be authentic ,honest with ourselves allowing your true self to laugh heal and just be as nature begins to stir from it's slumber